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Niters & Dayers 2.
Hi Martin

I saw your post on Levine's chat about your web site, so I hooked into it
sitting here at my office here in Los Angeles and what memories your site
brought back, I don't think I have done any bloody work all afternoon
looking at it. It is a great history site with so much information. It
brought such a smile to my face when I read your little peace on the
Dixieland Allnighters that I used to run back then. I saw the poster and I
thought where the hell did you get that from, I remember sitting in my front
room of my mom's house making it up, using a stamp I took from work to make
the little circle. Then asking a girl I knew to make me some copies that I
went around the area posting up on bus shelters etc, it felt like yesterday.
I have been living out here in LA for the past 20 years and it made time
just melt away.. Thanks so much for such a wonderful trip and your effort in
making your web site incredible.

